Curse of the PCs! (c) 1995 Jools Henn. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is FREEWARE, so you may distribute it wherever and however you want, as long as all of the files are intact. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an adventure game, written for the Amiga (in AMOS) Want some stats? Here they are. The "Source Code" for this game is about 30k long. There are 24 locations. There are 22 different objects. It's a fairly small game, so see if you can complete it! Most of the puzzles are fairly logical. The phone number and mastercard number in this game are just random numbers off the top of my head, so don't try using them. The only reason that I wrote this game was because I was bored and had nothing better to do! What else can I say about it? Oh yes, you cannot die on it. You don't have to type in "NORTH" etc, just press "N" and it will do it for you. If you want to give something to someone, use the "USE" command instead. There is no drop option, you don't really need it. The Save and Load options are in the Disk menu. That's about all I have to say about the game, so get stuck in, you might even enjoy it!!